Scorched Blue

Help keep the Democrats in congress honest

Location: Chicago, IL

I am a consultant from chicago where I live with my wife, our dog, and two cats

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Charlie Rangel and Jack Abramoff

This is as good of a place to start as any. Far from being above the fray, Charlie Rangel had long-standing, close ties to Jack Abramoff. The following is from a post by Matt Margolis on FreeRepublic:

"The New York Post has revealed that Representative Charlie Rangel has taken more donations from Abramoff's tribal clients than almost any other Democrat in the House.

Rangel has taken $27,000 from the Mississippi Choctaws and another $9,000 from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians in California since 1999. Both tribes are eager to cash in on casino gambling and are clients of the indicted Abramoff.

The tribes funneled $27,000 to Rangel's leadership PAC - used to help elect other Democrats - and routed another $9,000 directly to the Harlem Democrat's re-election campaign.

A study by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics found that 210 members of Congress have received campaign cash from Abramoff, his associates or his Indian-tribe clients.

Rangel has no intention of returning the contributions, saying, "If I thought for one minute any money was from Abramoff, I wouldn't hesitate to return it."

Funny, I thought the "culture of corruption" was a Republican thing? Well, be prepared for this guy to use his 'leadership' to payback his friends and enemies as he sees fit. Not to mention doing whatever he can to down our economy to get rid of the Bush taxcuts.


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